The Bombay Parsi Punchayet

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Welcome to the
Bombay Parsi Punchayet

Bombay Parsi Punchayet is the apex body representing the interest of the Parsi/Irani Zoroastrian Community in India. It renders several social services to members of the community and represents the interest of the Community before the appropriate Governments and other Government & non-government agencies.

Tracing its activity roots from 1673, the Punchayet in its various phases has now been rendering services for over 351 years.

As you will scroll through the various tabs, you will get all the information that you would seek pertaining to the history, services, facilities, programs that the BPP offers to its beneficiaries. We welcome you to make suggestions to improve our website, do write to us on:

BPP Mourns the demise of Late Ratan Tata ji through a fitting Condolence meeting.

The Bombay Parsi Punchayet organised a ‘Condolence Meeting’ to mark the passing away of Padma Vibhusan late Shri Ratan Tata Ji on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at the Rustam Baug Lawns between 5:30pm and 7 pm.

A galaxy of reputed professionals who knew and worked alongside Ratan Tata Ji spoke at the Condolence meeting and shared their sincere eulogies. The Condolence meeting was attended by well over 700 people who came there to mourn the demise of a great leader and by their presence express their deep sense of commiseration at the loss of a high-minded, valiant and an inspiring person who lived his life in pursuit of Zoroastrian Values of excellence, service, charity and humanity.

The honored speakers at the Condolence meeting were Shri Gopalakrishnan, Shri Tehmton ‘Donn’ Doongaji, Shri T.V.Narendran, Shri Adi Engineer and Shri Phillie Karkaria. The speakers narrated their fond memories of working together with late Ratan Tata ji. The event was maturely anchored by Burges Taraporevala. The proceedings took the shape of an event to celebrate modesty , humility and contributions of a life well lived.

The Bombay Parsi Panchayet Chairman Shri Viraf Mehta handed over a narrative scroll of honour, posthumously to his two neices Leah & Maya Tata who were present at the event, to mark the life and many contributions of Shri Ratan Tata Ji.

May his soul rest in peace and  spiritually progress.

Photographs taken at the meeting and the video-recording of the event are posted here on the web-site for public viewing.

Introducing Our Services

Become a Donor

Appeal for donations: every charitable organisation depends on support and contributions from its patrons. However small the contribution, collectively it goes a long way for a public trust to provide support to its disadvantaged, underprivileged and indigent beneficiaries.

Collectively we can contribute to mitigate the circumstances of the underprivileged brethren of the community. Zoroastrian philanthropy has always been a reaffirmation of its religious traditions as it has also been a means of self-preservation of our small and worthy community. Your contributions are critical to our survival and progress.

Current Trustees




'Aevo pantao yo ashahe, vispe anyaesham apantam ...' (Yasna 72.1)

The path of Asha is the path of Righteousness. One alone is the path,
it is the path of Righteousness. All other paths are non-paths

Noit avao zaothrao paiti-vise yao mavoya franghuharenti ...dravaoscha muuraoscha, araoscha.... (Aban Yasht, 93—)

I will not accept the offerings offered to me by the wicked, cruel, selfish persons.

Sevishto bavahi yatha mazdao (Afrin-i-Spitaman Zartusht, 2—)

May you God-like spread most benefits.

Kerdar bed chan Ahura Mazda khoday pa damane khish. (Afrin-i-Buzorgan 3—)

May you be as beneficent amongst those around you, as Ahura Mazda is in his creation.

Atcha toi vaem khylima, yoi im frashem kerenaon alt5m, mazdaoscha ahuraongh45, 5moyastr5 barana ashaehit.. (Gatlta Ahunavad, Yasna XXX.9—)

May we be surely like those (of our predecessors), who made this World prosperous. May the chosen leaders of Mazda be helpers and supporters (of the world).

Vainit ahmi ninane tallish aratitim (Yasna LX.5—)

May generosity prevail over stinginess in this house.

Dayao me .... frazantim azo-bujem.(Atash Ny5ish, 5— = Yasna LXII.5-)

Grant me a child … who would relieve distress. ashaimarn vanghuhish fravashay6 yazamaide frazant5ish
(Fravardin Yasht, 134—)