The Bombay Parsi Punchayet


Change of title for Accommodation:

The beneficiaries are requested to get in touch with the Estate Department who will put up the matter before the Trustees for their decision.

Subsidy or waiver in Occupation Charges:

Subsidy (reduction or waiver in monthly Occupation Charges) are granted to the applicants who find it difficult to pay. The beneficiaries are requested to get in touch with the Estate Department with a written application. The Department will investigate and put up the matter before the Trustees for their decision.

External Building Repairs:

From time to time the beneficiaries approach the BPP with a request for repairs to the Bldg in which they reside. The cost is shared on 50:50 basis. (50% is borne by PP and 50% is borne by the residents). The beneficiaries are requested to approach the Projects Department located in BPP Sub- Office at Khareghat Colony.

Internal Flat Repairs:

This is carried out at the cost of the beneficiary occupying the Flat only after taking permission from the Projects Department. The beneficiaries are requested to approach the Projects Department located in BPP Sub-Office at Khareghat Colony. No structural changes are allowed whatsoever.


Form for Accommodation on Leave and Licence basis
with the Bombay Parsi Punchayet
Form for Exchange of Present Bombay Parsi Punchayet
Accommodation on Leave and Licence Basis
Form for Accommodation on Leave and Licence basis
with the Bombay Parsi Punchayet
Form for Exchange of Present Bombay Parsi Punchayet
Accommodation on Leave and Licence Basis


Form for Accommodation on Leave and Licence basis
with the Bombay Parsi Punchayet
Form for Exchange of Present Bombay Parsi Punchayet Accommodation on Leave and Licence Basis